Dott. Luigi Vicari on febbraio 8th, 2009

AASLD (08/2009): Vascular Disorders of the Liver AASLD (08/2009): Prevention and Management of Gastroesophageal Varices and Variceal Hemorrhage in Cirrhosis AASLD (08/2009): Management of Hepatocellular Carcinoma AASLD (08/2009): Liver Biopsy AASLD (08/2009): Diagnosis and Treatment of Wilson Disease AASLD (08/2009): Chronic Hepatitis B AASLD (08/2009): Management of Adult Patients with Ascites Due to Cirrhosis AASLD [...]

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Dott. Luigi Vicari on febbraio 8th, 2009

Alfa-2 agonisti e GABA-agonisti presentano pari efficacia e sicurezza nell’assicurare una sedazione mirata nei pazienti in terapia intensiva sotto ventilazione meccanica, ma gli alfa-2 agonisti assicurano una riduzione dei tempi trascorsi in ventilazione meccanica, degli episodi di delirio e della tachicardia. Per molti anni le linee guida sulla sedazione hanno supportato l’uso degli agonisti recettoriali [...]

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Dott. Luigi Vicari on febbraio 4th, 2009

L’approccio basato sulla PCR universale risulta utile nella diagnosi di sepsi neonatale prima dell’inizio della terapia antibiotica. Benché le colture ematiche siano lo standard comunemente accettato per queste diagnosi, possono essere necessarie anche 48 ore per averne i risultati. La PCR in questi casi può aiutare, ma diviene inutile se il bambino è stato esposto [...]

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Dott. Luigi Vicari on gennaio 27th, 2009

Michael R Filbin, MD, Clinical Instructor, Department of Emergency Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital Updated: Dec 17, 2008 Introduction Background Clinicians often use the terms sepsis and septic shock without a commonly understood definition. In 1992, a consensus conference of the American College of Chest Physicians and the Society of Critical Care Medicine published the following [...]

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Dott. Luigi Vicari on gennaio 27th, 2009

Ian S deSouza, MD, Assistant Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine, Kings County Hospital/SUNY Downstate Medical Centers Che’ Damon Ward, MD, Staff Physician, Department of Emergency Medicine, State University of New York Health Science Center at Brooklyn Updated: Dec 17, 2008 Introduction Background Ventricular tachycardia (VT) is a tachydysrhythmia originating from a ventricular ectopic focus, characterized [...]

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Dott. Luigi Vicari on gennaio 7th, 2009

Prof Tamás Paál, Hungary (Signal Reviewer for the WHO-UMC Programme for International Drug Monitoring) Drotrecogin alfa (activated) is a recombinant form of human activated protein C that has anti-thrombotic, anti-inflammatory and profibrinolytic activities. It is used mainly in intensive care medicine as a treatment for severe sepsis (sepsis associated with acute organ dysfunction). It is [...]

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Dott. Luigi Vicari on dicembre 28th, 2008

M. Bower; S. Collins; C. Cottrill; K. Cwynarski; S. Montoto; M. Nelson; N. Nwokolo; T. Powles; J. Stebbing; N. Wales; A. Webb HIV Med.  2008;9(6):336-388.  ©2008 Blackwell Publishing Posted 12/15/2008 HIV infection is associated with three AIDS-defining malignancies (Kaposi’s sarcoma, high-grade B-cell non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and invasive cervical cancer) as well as an increased risk of [...]

Continue reading about British HIV Association Guidelines for HIV-associated Malignancies 2008

Dott. Luigi Vicari on dicembre 28th, 2008

Jamie B. Rosenberg, MD; Lewis A. Eisen, MD Crit Care Med. 2008;36(12):3151-3155. ©2008 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Posted 12/12/2008 Medical and nursing staff in the intensive care unit (ICU) concentrate the majority of their efforts on problems seen as immediately life-threatening. This may lead to lack of attention to other serious issues. Mechanically ventilated patients [...]

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Dott. Luigi Vicari on dicembre 28th, 2008

Analgesics and sedatives are administered to most patients who are being mechanically ventilated in an intensive care unit (ICU), not only to combat anxiety, agitation, and pain but also to achieve optimal benefits of the ventilatory support. Historically, sedation has been administered via continuous infusion until it is determined that the patient can effectively breathe [...]

Continue reading about Wake Up and Breathe!: An Expert Interview With Timothy D. Girard, MD, MSCI

Dott. Luigi Vicari on dicembre 28th, 2008

Critical Care Medicine (12/2008): Eye Care in Intensive Care Unit: Narrative Review and Meta-Analisys

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Dott. Luigi Vicari on dicembre 28th, 2008

Ventilab (03/2011): Ventilazione assistita controllata, tempo inspiratorio e rapporto inspirazione/espirazione: attenzione agli equivoci! Ventilab (02/2011): PEEP nel paziente ostruttivo. Quando? Quanto? (1a parte: pazienti ventilati in modalità controllata) Ventilab (02/2011): Svezzamento e riabilitazione Ventilab (02/2011): La ventilazione noninvasiva dopo l’estubazione: indicazioni e controindicazioni Ventilab (12/2010): La Ventilazione non-invasiva nell’insufficienza respiratoria post-esofagectomia Ventilab (12/2010): Ventilazione Meccanica [...]

Continue reading about Ventilazione Meccanica e Svezzamento dal Ventilatore (Weaning)

Dott. Luigi Vicari on dicembre 18th, 2008

MedWire News: Study findings suggest that the maturation of morphine metabolism may be delayed in ventilated preterm neonates, a finding that could be related to severity of illness in such infants.

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Charles Chazot, MD   Guillaume Jean, MD Nat Clin Pract Nephrol ():, 2009. © 2009 Nature Publishing Group The duration and frequency of hemodialysis was determined empirically when this therapy first came into use, and treatment was commonly three 8 h sessions per week by the end of the 1960s. Subsequently, however, the growing number of [...]

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Francesco Locatelli; Allen R. Nissenson; Brendan J. Barrett; Rowan G. Walker; David C. Wheeler; Kai U. Eckardt; Norbert H. Lameire; Garabed Eknoyan Kidney Int.  2008;74(10):1237-1240.  ©2008 Nature Publishing Group Posted 11/24/2008 Abstract and Introduction Abstract The development of clinical practice guidelines for the treatment of anemia in chronic kidney disease has been instrumental in identifying [...]

Continue reading about Clinical Practice Guidelines for Anemia in Chronic Kidney Disease: Problems and Solutions. A Position Statement From KDIGO

Dott. Luigi Vicari on novembre 15th, 2008

Linee Guida SIAARTI (10/2007): Raccomandazioni SIAARTI-IRC per l’organizzazione della risposta alle emergenze intraospedaliere Linee Guida SIAARTI: Informatizzazione in anestesia e rianimazione Linee Guida SIAARTI (11/2004): Dichiarazioni anticipate di trattamento Linee Guida SIAARTI (03/2003): Raccomandazioni SIAARTI per l’ammissione e la dimissione dalla terapia intensiva e per la limitazione dei trattamenti in terapia intensiva Linee Guida SIAARTI [...]

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