Disponibile un prontuario farmaceutico aggiornato al 26/02/2009. Prontuario Farmaci del SSN aggiornato al 26-02-2009
D’ora in poi avrà diritto all’indennizzo anche chi si ammala di epatite a causa di una somministrazione di emoderivati. Lo ha stabilito la Corte Costituzionale, con la sentenza n. 28/2009, depositata il 6 febbraio, che ha dichiarato l’illegittimità della legge 210/1992 che garantiva l’indennizzo solo a chi era stato danneggiato da complicanze di tipo irreversibile [...]
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Il Consiglio di Stato ha dichiarato illegittimo l’atto con cui al medico dipendente venivano riconosciute le mansioni superiori svolte ai soli fini giuridici con esclusione dei benefici economici. In presenza di un posto vacante, lo svolgimento delle mansioni primariali da parte di chi si trovi in posizione funzionale intermedia comporta il riconoscimento del relativo trattamento [...]
Anaesth Intensive Care 2009; 37: 14-9: A large VT and high Paw during one-lung ventilation were associated with an increased risk of post-pneumonectomy ALI/ARDS in primary lung cancer patients. N Engl J Med 2009; 360: 20-31: In an ICU population in which the mortality rate associated with standard care was 27.5% at day 28, the [...]
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Tamar F. Barlam, M.D.; Dennis L. Kasper, M.D. AccessMedicine from McGraw-Hill. 2008; ©2008 The McGraw-Hill Companies – Posted 01/12/2009 Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) is a major nosocomial infection that results in significant morbidity, mortality, and health care costs. Most strategies to reduce VAP attempt to decrease rates of colonization of the aerodigestive tract and aspiration of [...]
Paul M. Fenton, FFARCSI, DTM & H Transfusion Alter Transfusion Med. 2008;10(2):82-89. ©2008 Blackwell Publishing – Posted 12/02/2008 Death from acute blood loss is a common event in many parts of the world. Most of the half-million-plus maternal deaths worldwide are due to postpartum hemorrhage. While a state of general nonreportage exists in under-resourced countries, [...]
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Sharmeen Lotia, MBBS, MRCP, FRCA; Mark C. Bellamy, MBBS, MA, FRCA Cont Edu Anaesth Crit Care & Pain. 2008;8(5):151-156. ©2008 Oxford University Press – Posted 10/07/2008 The prevalence of morbid obesity is increasing in the UK. Recent UK government statistics suggest that 20% of adults are obese and 1% morbidly obese. Anaesthesia and surgery may [...]
Laurie Barclay, MD Medscape Medical News 2009. © 2009 Medscape Targeting blood glucose concentrations to age-adjusted normal fasting concentrations was associated with better short-term outcome of patients in the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU), according to the results of a prospective, randomized controlled study reported online January 27 in The Lancet.
Martha Kerr Medscape Medical News 2009. © 2009 Medscape Late-breaking results of the Awakening and Breathing Controlled (ABC) trial, presented here at the Society of Critical Care Medicine 38th Critical Care Congress, show that cognitive function is better if the patient is wakened early and frequently during a stay in the intensive care unit (ICU).
Ole M Ekeberg; Erik Bautz-Holter; Einar K Tveitå; Niels G Juel; Synnøve Kvalheim; Jens I Brox BMJ. 2009;338(3122) ©2009 BMJ Publishing Group – Posted 02/06/2009 To investigate the importance of placement of corticosteroid injections in patients with rotator cuff disease, we did a randomised controlled study comparing the effectiveness of a systemic corticosteroid injection in [...]
Disponibili le nuove linee guida 2008 realizzate dalla Surviving Sepsis Campaign e pubblicate su Critical Care Medicine.
American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (04/2011): Medical guidelines for clinical practice for developing a diabetes mellitus comprehensive care plan Critical Care (02/2009): Differential influence of arterial blood glucose on cerebral metabolism following severe traumatic brain injury American Diabetes Association 10/2008: Clinical Practice Reccomendations 2008 of American Diabetes Association
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In cancer patients, allogeneic blood transfusion is associated with poorer prognosis, but the independent effect of the transfusion is controversial. Moreover, mediating mechanisms underlying the alleged cancer-promoting effects of blood transfusion are unknown, including the involvement of donors’ leukocytes, erythrocytes, and soluble factors. Blood Transfusion Promotes Cancer Progression: A Critical Role for Aged Erythrocytes
The authors calculated the effect size for treatments recommended for the pediatric population in the new Guidelines for the Management of Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting that should be implemented with the help of a new risk scale developed for children. Calculation of Prophylaxis Effectiveness and Expected Incidence of Vomiting under Treatment Using Bayesian Meta-analysis
MedWire News: Hyperglycemia is common in children undergoing urgent or emergent craniotomy for traumatic brain injury (TBI), increasing their risk for poor outcomes, say US researchers.
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