Dott. Luigi Vicari on febbraio 8th, 2009

Reuters Health Information 2009. © 2009 Reuters Ltd. Trauma patients who are transfused with more than 5 units of packed red blood cells (PRBCs) within 24 hours of admission are at increased risk for developing acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), new research shows.

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Dott. Luigi Vicari on febbraio 8th, 2009

Martha Kerr Medscape Medical News 2009. © 2009 Medscape Patients in the intensive care unit (ICU) may have a higher risk for upper-extremity deep vein thrombosis (DVT) than for lower-extremity DVT, yet the focus tends to be only on the legs, according to a study presented here at the Society of Critical Care Medicine 38th [...]

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Dott. Luigi Vicari on febbraio 8th, 2009

Martha Kerr Medscape Medical News 2009. © 2009 Medscape Current use of moderate to high doses of statins for patients hospitalized with sepsis was associated with a mortality risk reduction of more than 20%, compared with patients not taking statins, investigators reported here at the Society of Critical Care Medicine 38th Critical Care Congress.

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Dott. Luigi Vicari on febbraio 8th, 2009

AASLD (08/2009): Vascular Disorders of the Liver AASLD (08/2009): Prevention and Management of Gastroesophageal Varices and Variceal Hemorrhage in Cirrhosis AASLD (08/2009): Management of Hepatocellular Carcinoma AASLD (08/2009): Liver Biopsy AASLD (08/2009): Diagnosis and Treatment of Wilson Disease AASLD (08/2009): Chronic Hepatitis B AASLD (08/2009): Management of Adult Patients with Ascites Due to Cirrhosis AASLD [...]

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Dott. Luigi Vicari on febbraio 8th, 2009

Alfa-2 agonisti e GABA-agonisti presentano pari efficacia e sicurezza nell’assicurare una sedazione mirata nei pazienti in terapia intensiva sotto ventilazione meccanica, ma gli alfa-2 agonisti assicurano una riduzione dei tempi trascorsi in ventilazione meccanica, degli episodi di delirio e della tachicardia. Per molti anni le linee guida sulla sedazione hanno supportato l’uso degli agonisti recettoriali [...]

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