Dott. Luigi Vicari on dicembre 18th, 2008

A 17-day-old African boy is brought to an emergency department (ED) in his local area in respiratory distress. For the past 7 days, he has had a nonproductive cough, tactile fevers, rapid breathing, and poor feeding. The parents also note that on 2 occasions when he was short of breath, the patient’s lips and fingers [...]

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Dott. Luigi Vicari on dicembre 18th, 2008

MedWire News: Study findings suggest that the maturation of morphine metabolism may be delayed in ventilated preterm neonates, a finding that could be related to severity of illness in such infants.

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Neuromuscular block (NMB) is an essential part of anesthetic management of many types of modern surgery. It allows for tracheal intubation to take place atraumatically, surgery to take place at lighter levels of anesthesia with added safety, and ensures absolute immobility when necessary. However, the management of NMB in routine clinical practice is performed intuitionally [...]

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Dott. Luigi Vicari on dicembre 18th, 2008

Il lavoro straordinario non può essere utilizzato come fattore ordinario di programmazione del lavoro e le relative prestazioni hanno carattere eccezionale  e debbono essere preventivamente autorizzate. La Pubblica Amministrazione è tenuta ad erogare compensi per lavoro straordinario solo in presenza di una preventiva formale autorizzazione di svolgimento, necessaria per la verifica delle effettive ragioni di [...]

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