Dott. Luigi Vicari on febbraio 3rd, 2009

La sensibilizzazione periferica apparentemente svolge un ruolo nella fisiopatologia della cefalea a grappolo, ed il blocco del primo neurone afferente potrebbe essere di beneficio nella gestione di questa patologia. Dato che si stima che il 10-20 percento dei pazienti con cefalea a grappolo è refrattario al trattamento o sviluppa una resistenza nei suoi confronti, il [...]

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Dott. Luigi Vicari on febbraio 2nd, 2009

In a new study, Cymbalta (duloxetine HCl) 60-120 mg, taken once daily, reduced pain severity significantly, compared with placebo, in patients with osteoarthritis pain of the knee. Data from the 13-week randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial(1) were presented at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Pain Medicine (AAPM) in Honolulu, Hawaii.

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Osteoarthritis (OA) causes disability and is a major public health problem. A new study examined the effect of chondroitins 4 and 6 sulfate (CS) on OA progression and symptoms. CS, unlike other chondroitin sulfate products sold as dietary supplements in the U.S., has been approved as a prescription symptomatic slow acting drug for OA in [...]

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Dott. Luigi Vicari on gennaio 23rd, 2009

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) Jan 21 – Sodium oxybate relieves pain and improves function, with few adverse events, in patients with fibromyalgia syndrome, researchers report in the January issue of Arthritis and Rheumatism.

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Dott. Luigi Vicari on gennaio 19th, 2009

Forest Laboratories and Cypress Bioscience announced January 14 that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved milnacipran (Savella), a dual serotonin- and norepinephrine-reuptake inhibitor (SNRI), for the management of fibromyalgia.

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Dott. Luigi Vicari on gennaio 19th, 2009

January 15, 2009 — Evidence from a meta-analysis of 18 trials of antidepressants in the treatment of fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) shows that these drugs can improve FMS-associated symptoms of pain, sleep disturbance, depressed mood, and health-related quality of life (HRQOL). However, effect sizes vary significantly between classes of antidepressants.

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Dott. Luigi Vicari on gennaio 10th, 2009

Researchers at Oregon Health & Science University’s School of Dentistry ( have discovered a novel function of the peptide known as Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) in the development of the trigeminal nerve. The trigeminal nerve provides the signaling pathway for periodontal pain, dental surgical pain, and pain associated with temporomandibular disorder, trigeminal neuralgia, migraine, and [...]

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The spread of cancer to the bones (called bone metastases) is one of the most frequent causes of severe pain in people with cancer. While drugs, radiation therapy and surgery sometimes help reduce the pain, a common technology may offer a new approach. It’s called MRI-guided focused ultrasound, used by a device named ExAblate.

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Dott. Luigi Vicari on gennaio 10th, 2009

AIOM (09/2009): Gestione della Tossicità Ematopoietica in Oncologia National Comprehensive Cancer Network (2009): Cancer- and Chemotherapy-Induced Anemia

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Dott. Luigi Vicari on gennaio 7th, 2009

by Teri Robert, Lead Expert In learning about Migraines and headaches, we’ve learned that taking some medications more than two or three days a week can lead to medication overuse headache, aka rebound. We’ve also learned that medication overuse is a factor in 80% of cases of transformed Migraine. Now, there’s additional evidence that any [...]

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Minimal Criteria 1.  A compelling urge to move the limbs, usually associated with paresthesias or dysesthesias 2.  Motor restlessness as seen in activities such as floor pacing, tossing and turning in bed and rubbing the legs 3.  Symptoms that are worse or present only during rest and are partially or temporarily relieved by activity 4.  [...]

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Dott. Luigi Vicari on gennaio 7th, 2009

The word dermatome refers to a correspondence between the skin and the nervous system.  Sensory dermatome maps used to help localize the level of neurologic deficit.

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Abstral® is an important new treatment option for inadequately controlled breakthrough cancer pain (BTcP) in opioid-tolerant cancer patients. The Abstral formulation delivers the analgesic power of fentanyl in a fast dissolving sublingual tablet. Abstral provides rapid relief of BTcP from 10 minutes1, provides predictable dosing2,3 and is convenient and easy to use.

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Dott. Luigi Vicari on gennaio 4th, 2009

Convincing evidence to recommend antioxidants for treatment has been  lacking  Bethesda, MD (Jan. 1, 2009) Antioxidant supplementation was found to be effective in relieving pain and reducing levels of oxidative stress in patients with chronic pancreatitis (CP), reports a new study in Gastroenterology.

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Dott. Luigi Vicari on dicembre 15th, 2008

SAN ANTONIO, (Reuters Health) Dec 12 – Joint pain is more common and more severe in women with breast cancer than age-matched controls without breast cancer, researchers reported at the 2008 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (SABCS).

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