Agent Provides Treatment Option For Women With Hot Flashes
A pill used for nerve pain offers women relief from hot flashes, Mayo Clinic researchers report at the 45th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO).They say the agent, pregabalin, decreased hot flash severity and frequency about 20 percent more than did a placebo agent.

Formulations Of Three Aspirin Types Compared By Study
For many years, it has been known that aspirin is beneficial to patients suffering heart attacks and near-heart attacks. But which of the many different types of aspirin is likely to help the most?A group of researchers led by Dr.

New Guideline For Low-Back Pain Interventions, Surgery Issued By The American Pain Society
The American Pain Society (APS) has issued a new clinical practice guideline for low back pain that emphasizes the use of noninvasive treatments over interventional procedures, as well as shared decision making between provider and patient.

SPINE Trial Shows That Acupuncture Eases Chronic Low Back Pain
Acupuncture can help people with chronic low back pain feel less bothered by their symptoms and function better in their daily activities, according to the largest randomized trial of its kind, published in the May 11, 2009 Archives of Internal Medicine.

Real And Simulated Acupuncture Appear More Effective Than Usual Care For Back Pain
Three types of acupuncture therapy-an individually tailored program, standard therapy and a simulation involving toothpicks at key acupuncture points-appear more effective than usual care for chronic low back pain, according to a report in the May 11 issue of Archives of Internal Medicine, one of the JAMA/Archives journals.

What Is Neuropathy? What Causes Neuropathy?
Neuropathy is a collection of disorders that occurs when nerves of the peripheral nervous system (the part of the nervous system outside of the brain and spinal cord) are damaged. The condition is generally referred to as peripheral neuropathy, and it is most commonly due to damage to nerve axons.

Ultrasound Changes Care Of Some Patients With Rheumatic Conditions
Ultrasound can be used to make an appropriate decision regarding care for patients with rheumatic conditions involving the hands and feet, according to a study performed at St. Joseph’s Healthcare/McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada.

What Is Fibromyalgia? What Causes Fibromyalgia?
The word fibromyalgia comes from the Greek myos meaning “muscle”, Greek algos meaning “pain”, and New Latin fibro meaning “fibrous tissue”. According to MediLexicon’s medical dictionary, fibromyalgia is “A common syndrome of chronic widespread soft-tissue pain accompanied by weakness, fatigue, and sleep disturbances; the cause is unknown.

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